BIO's Policy Pulse: PAHPA Bill Passes in Senate HELP Committee

In a big week for reauthorization of the Pandemic All Hazards and Preparedness Act (PAHPA), versions of the legislation were approved by a House committee on July 19 and a Senate committee on July 20. Here’s what happened and why it matters.

PAHPA establishes measures to prepare for the next pandemic and “allows us to be ready for other kinds of biothreats and public health emergencies,” according to Phyllis Arthur, SVP of Infectious Disease and Emerging Science at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO).

“We’ve got to be prepared,” said John Crowley, CEO of Amicus Therapeutics and Vice Chairman of BIO’s Board. “Biosecurity is the highest matter of public health and national security, so it’s critically important that we face the threats ahead. This legislation is going to enable us to do it.”

July 21, 2023
