Ajay Mishra, IAS, Dir Gen, Renewable Energy Soc. of India &(former) Spl Chief Sec, Govt of Telangana

RENEWX will be held on 28th & 29th April at HITEX, Hyderabad.

! at https://bit.ly/3jN4iOk
VISITOR REGISTRATION HELPDESK – 91373 41053 / 84259 06808

Some Important links:
1. Conference Delegate Registration : https://rb.gy/6atc1
2. RenewX 2023 Exhibitor List – https://www.renewx.in/exhibitor-list
3. Locating the venue- Google Map- https://maps.app.goo.gl/tUC64ZZvm74K2fhz5?g_st=iw
