Exhibition Description
Kitchen Equipment for Catering & Food Service, Foods & Drinks for Professional-use & Local Products in Japan, Cafe, Dessert, Tableware, Catering & Home-meal Replacement, Package Container Design, Hotel Systems, Management Tools & Store Management, Marketing & Customer Attraction Support, HR Solutions & Recruitment, Service Robots & Business Process Automation, Internior, Exterior, Guest Room Facilities & Amenities, Design & Renovation for Hotels, Ryokans & Restaurants, Outdoor Equipment, Ecological & Energy-saving Measures, Sanitation, Cleanliness, Sauna & SpaHCJ consists of International Hotel & Restaurant show HOTERES JAPAN, for the restaurant / accommodation / leisure industry, Food & Catering Show CATEREX JAPAN, for the food service / home delivery service industry, and JAPAN FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT SHOW, for general kitchen / food / service equipment industry. This is an exhibition specializing in business negotiations for hospitality and food services that contributes to the revitalization of the service industry.Held with concurrent exhibitions.