Exhibition Description
E-commerce Website Construction/Operation, D2C Support, Search Engine, Recommendations, Customer Service, Inventory Management/Optimization, Payment/Billing Services, AI, Data Analytics, Logistics, Packaging, Advanced E-commerce, Store Operation/Management Systems, Shift Management, Employee Recruitment/Training, Inventory Management/Optimization, Trade Area Analysis, Digital Signage, Promotional Goods, Store DX, etc.Products and services related to EC site construction/operation, UI/UX improvement, EC management, shop development/operation/management, labor shortage countermeasures, retail media, AI and data analysis will be exhibited. Many professionals from management, EC, marketing, shop management/development and logistics departments from industries such as retail, mail-order/internet shops, food/beverage, services, manufacturers, hotels and leisure will attend the show, making it possible to conduct more precise business negotiations. It is also an ideal venue for marketing and sales activities, from lead generation to uncovering hot leads and converting them into deals.Held with concurrent exhibitions.